其他的 Headerdoc 为练习写注释文档,尤其是// FIXME: Print a more readable result. 和 // TODO: Set a NSArray to init randomGWFish. 纯粹凑字数。测试 Swift 哪些可以用在 Objective-C 上。参看: Swift Documentation。
@param [param] [Description]: Describes what value should be passed for this parameter
@return [Description]: Describes the return value of the method
@see [selector]: Provide “see also” reference to related method
@warning [description]: Call out exceptional or potentially dangerous behavior
To help speed up the process of documenting your project, you may want to check out the VVDocumenter-Xcode project, which automatically adds @param and @return labels for methods according to their signature.
Removed FuzzyAutocomplete plugin. It made me stupid.
15. 地图与定位
CLLocationManager and CLLocationManagerDelegate 地理事件处理和其代理方法
CLLocation 地理坐标
CLGeocoder 地理坐标化
MKMapView and MKMapViewDelegate 地图显示和处理相关的代理方法
MKAnnotationView’s protocol is MKAnnotation 自定义一个标记
Geocoding (sometimes called forward geocoding) uses a description of a location, most typically a postal address or place name, to find geographic coordinates from spatial reference data such as building polygons, land parcels, street addresses, postal codes (e.g. ZIP codes, CEDEX) and so on.
可能是时间不充足,段老师后面课程的代码风格不好。少#pragma mark 分段,少注释,if 语句嵌套的错误,命名随意。